The Potato Chip Puzzles

Are you a puzzle lover? Do you get so involved in puzzles that you don’t hear your own name? If you answered YES! to either of these questions, you will love this book. (Okay, a little infomercially.) Winston Breen is a puzzle lover and now he’s in yet another puzzle-solving fiasco.

When he is called to the principal’s to help solve the puzzle, he finds himself mixed up in a puzzle contest hosted by one of the most famous men in the world. The founder of the most famous snack company in this time, Dimitri Simon. What will it be like? Will there be a lot of people in the contest? What kinds of puzzles will they be like? It turns out that the competition is nothing like what Winston thought. Read The Potato Chip Puzzles by Eric Berlin to find out what happens to Winston and this crazy puzzle fiasco.


Puzzles like these occur often throughout this book. Here is a sample puzzle for you to solve.


I am the beginning of everyone and everything, and I am the end of time and space. What am I?

Look for the answer in the next few posts.

Here is the website of Winston Breen:

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Go to the original “The Puzzling World of Winston Breen” here.


“The Puzzler’s Mansion” Coming sometime in 2012!

Get em’ all!