I really like Myrtle. She is a spunky detective. If you’re a mystery lover, I know you’ll like her too. Before the train has left the station in the second book of the series (and I hope it is long), Myrtle is on a new case.
Myrtle has been sent on a “relaxing vacation” by her father. She is to be accompanied on this trip by Aunt Helena, Miss Judson and Peony – because at the last minute Myrtle just couldn’t leave her cat behind. Peony may be the only good thing about being on a “vacation” with Aunt Helena at the seaside. At the train station Myrtle begins observing what is happening all around her – as any detective would. When she sees something that seems a bit off, she follows her instincts … and follows.
This is how she makes the acquaintance of Mrs. Bloom, a professional insurance investigator who is aboard this train the to protect the priceless Northern Lights Tiara. Myrtle is looking forward to learning all that she can from the investigator, but before the train reaches its destination, both the tiara and Mrs. Bloom have vanished.
At the end of the line a dead body Is discovered in the baggage car. Someone has been murdered—with Aunt Helena’s sewing shears. The trip is derailed, the local police appear to be inept, Scotland Yard is in no rush to arrive, so Myrtle is the only one following the leads. What’s a smart, bored Young Lady of Quality stranded in a washed-up carnival town to do?
Readers who already know Myrtle, will know exactly what her choice will be. If this is your first time with Myrtle, she will follow the evidence to find out which of her fellow travelers is a thief and a murderer.
There are lots of challenges along the way as you read along with Myrtle and solve this mystery. I hope there is a next book with Myrtle. If there is, I’ll be reading it!.
Happy Reading!📚